

Wordless Wednesday: Naptime


  1. Howdy mates. Is that you Rory in the photo? Nice collar mate. Nice to meet ya. Hope to catch you again soon. No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella (my bossy sister)

    1. Yep that Rory in the picture. He's always has exquisite taste in collars and has quite and extensive collection of collars for that matter too. :)

  2. Hi
    Thanks for stopping by our blog. We love to meet new friends. We only know one other Whippet....Charlie.

  3. Crikey .... I'm soooooooo excited. Thanks for droppin' by my blog. You're whippets. I've got lots of friends now in Blogville but NO WHIPPETS. You blokes are whippets ..... just like me!!! Crikey I hope we can be friends. I like your stink eye Sunday idea. I'll try and get Mum onto that. Are you in Australia too?? I see you have a black dog collar. I've got lots of black dog stuff. It's good gear, aye?? Blimey I'm so excited to have met you. I sure hope we are going to be good mates!!

    1. We're also so excited to have another whippy friend!!! (secretly... whippets are the best) We're also loving the new black dog collar. We'd love for you to do a stink eye Sunday post, we love seeing other stink eyes. :)

    2. I'm workin' on it Rory!! Crikey this is where I posted a comment. Not on the black dog post. I just left another comment there. Sorry about the double up. I'm still learning about this blogville stuff and my Secretary (Mum) is hopeless on the pooter!!
